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2023-07-07 20:59:24 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc

When it comes to how to pronounce 21 in English, there are actually a few different ways to say it. In this article, we will explore the different pronunciations of 21 and other numbers from 21 to 30, along with some background information on number pronunciation in English.

一、Pronunciation of 21-30

The pronunciation of numbers from 21 to 30 can be tricky for non-native English speakers, as they don't follow the same pattern as the previous numbers. For example, whereas 20 is pronounced "twen-TEE", 21 is pronounced "twen-TEE-ONE". Here are the pronunciations for the rest of the numbers from 21 to 30:

22: "twen-TEE-TWO"

23: "twen-TEE-THREE"

24: "twen-TEE-FOUR"

25: "twen-TEE-FIVE"

26: "twen-TEE-SIX"

27: "twen-TEE-SEVEN"

28: "twen-TEE-EIGHT"

29: "twen-TEE-NINE"


30: "THIR-tee"

The pronunciation of these numbers is important to master, as they are commonly used in daily conversation. It's also worth noting that the stress in the pronunciation of these numbers typically falls on the second syllable, as in "twen-TEE-one" and "twen-TEE-five".

二、Other English Number Pronunciation Rules

English number pronunciation can be confusing for non-native speakers, as there are a number of rules that don't necessarily apply in other languages. Here are a few other rules to keep in mind:

Numbers ending in "teen" have a stress on the first syllable, as in "thir-TEEN" and "six-TEEN".

Numbers ending in "ty" have a stress on the second syllable, as in "for-TY" and "se-VEN-ty".

The word "and" is used to separate whole numbers from fractions or decimals, as in "two and a half" or "three point seven".

When saying a year, the first two numbers are pronounced as separate digits, while the last two numbers are pronounced as a single number. For example, 2019 is pronounced "two thousand NINE-teen".

三、Background Information on Number Pronunciation in English

The rules for number pronunciation in English have evolved over time, and are heavily influenced by the language's history and development. For example, the use of "and" to separate whole numbers from fractions comes from British English, where it was traditionally used to denote a decimal point. Meanwhile, the stress patterns in number pronunciation reflect the underlying rhythm of the English language, which emphasizes stressed syllables over unstressed ones.

Given the complexity of English number pronunciation, it's understandable why many non-native speakers struggle with it. However, mastering these rules is an important part of achieving fluency in the language, and can have a noticeable impact on one's ability to communicate effectively with native English speakers.

四、Tips for Improving Number Pronunciation in English

If you're struggling with English number pronunciation, there are a few things you can do to improve:

Listen to as much English as possible, whether it's movies, TV shows, or podcasts. Pay close attention to how native speakers pronounce numbers in different contexts.

Practice saying numbers out loud, focusing on getting the stress patterns and pronunciation right.

Record yourself saying numbers and listen back to see where you need to improve.

Work with a language tutor or take a pronunciation course to get more targeted feedback on your pronunciation.


Mastering number pronunciation can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor for non-native English speakers. By understanding the rules and patterns of English number pronunciation, you can communicate more effectively with native speakers and sound more fluent in the language overall.

