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2023-05-22 21:29:40 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc



日记用英语就是“diary”,许多人在学习英语时都会学习这个单词。日记通常会写一些个人所经历的感悟,这些日记通常被称为“personal diary”,也可以说为“personal journal”。除此之外,还有一种叫做“travel diary”的日记,通常是记录个人旅游经历的。

例子1:Yesterday, after school, I sat down and wrote in my diary about my day.(昨天放学后,我坐下来写下了我这一天的日记。)

例子2:I love traveling and keeping a travel diary. It's so much fun to look back on my adventures.(我喜欢旅行并记录下旅途中的见闻,以后回顾起来真的很有趣。)



例子1:Writing in my diary every day helps me organize my thoughts and reflect on my day.(每天写日记可以帮助我整理思维,反思当天的事情。)

例子2:Whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I write in my diary to help me relax and put things into perspective.(当我感到压力和疲惫时,写日记可以帮助我放松并调整心态。)



例子1:When I write in my diary, I always try to be honest with myself and write down exactly how I feel.(写日记时,我总是试着对自己诚实,记录下自己的真实感受。)

例子2:I find that writing in my diary before going to bed helps me clear my mind and sleep better.(我发现睡前写日记可以帮助我放松,从而更好地入睡。)



例子1:My diary is my personal treasure. It's where I keep my thoughts, feelings, and memories safe.(我的日记是我的珍宝,记录了我的想法、情感和回忆。)


例子2:Writing in my diary is a form of therapy for me. It helps me cope with difficult emotions and reflect on my experiences.(写日记对我来说就是一种治疗方式,可以帮助我应对各种情绪和反思自己的经历。)



例子1:I try to write in my diary every day, even if it's just a few lines. It helps me stay connected to myself and my thoughts.(我尽量每天写日记,即使只有几句话,也可以帮助我保持与自己的联系。)

例子2:I usually write in my diary once a week, usually on Sunday. It's a nice way to end the week and reflect on what happened.(我通常每周写一次日记,通常是周日。这是一个很好的方式来结束一周并反思过去。)



例子1:My diary always starts with the date, followed by a short description of the weather and where I am.(我的日记总是以日期为开头,紧接着是关于天气和我的位置的简短描述。)

例子2:In my diary, I like to write about all sorts of things, from the ups and downs in my relationships to my favorite songs and books.(在我的日记中,我喜欢记录各种各样的事情,从我人际关系中的高低潮,到我喜欢的歌曲和书籍等。)

本文标签: 日记用英语怎么说写 日记英语怎么说写 日记 英语怎么说?
