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2023-05-22 19:14:55 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc

Once upon a time, in a forest far away, there lived a mischievous monkey who loved to play pranks on the other animals. One night, as the moon shone bright in the sky, the monkey looked up and saw the most beautiful sight he had ever seen - the round, glowing moon. Mesmerized by its beauty, he decided that he wanted to have it for himself.

The monkey was determined to get the moon, so he hatched a plan. He climbed a tall tree and stretched his arm out as far as it could go, trying to grab the moon. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach it. Undeterred, he came up with another idea.

The monkey began to jump up and down, hoping to catch the moon in his hands as it came closer to the ground. He leaped higher and higher, but the moon remained out of reach. Frustrated, he looked around for help.

Then, he spotted a nearby pond, and an idea struck him. The monkey ran to the pond and stared at his reflection in the still water. Suddenly, he had an epiphany - if he could grab the moon's reflection, he would have the moon for himself.

Excited by his newfound idea, the monkey quickly jumped into the pond and reached for the moon's reflection. But as he tried to grasp it, the reflection scattered into ripples. The monkey tried and tried, but he couldn't catch it.

As the night wore on and the monkey continued his futile attempts, the other forest animals began to gather around him, watching him trying to catch the moon. They laughed and teased him, calling him foolish and silly. But the monkey refused to give up, determined to have the moon for himself.

Hours passed as the monkey tirelessly chased the moon's reflection in the pond. But eventually, he became exhausted and collapsed at the water's edge, defeated.

It was then that the goddess of the moon appeared before him. She was impressed by the monkey's persistence and determination, and she decided to reward him by granting him a wish. The monkey thought for a moment before asking to take the moon home with him.

The goddess of the moon smiled and told the monkey that he could have the moon, but only in its reflection in the water. She explained that the moon was too big for him to carry and that if he took it down from the sky, it would cause chaos and confusion.

The monkey understood and was grateful for the goddess's kindness. From that day on, he visited the pond every night to gaze upon the moon's reflection and remember his incredible adventure.


The story of the monkey and the moon teaches us that sometimes what we want may not be as great as we imagine, and that perseverance and determination can lead to unexpected rewards.

本文标签: 小学生英语阅读猴子捞月英文 猴子捞月英文故事图片 猴子捞月的英语
