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2024-01-28 14:59:18 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc

Abstract: This article focuses on the word order of object clauses in English and its application. Divided into 5 sections, this article provides detailed explanation and examples to help readers understand and master the usage of object clauses in English.

Section 1: Definition of Object Clauses

An object clause is a subordinate clause that functions as the direct object of a verb, an adjective, or a noun. It contains a subject and a predicate of its own and answers the question "what" or "whom" regarding the action or state expressed in the main clause.

For example, in the sentence "I know that you are coming", "that you are coming" is an object clause, which functions as the direct object of the verb "know".

Object clauses can be introduced by conjunctions such as "that", "whether", "if", "when", "where", etc.

Section 2: Word Order of Object Clauses as Direct Objects

When an object clause functions as the direct object of a verb, it usually follows the main clause and takes the word order of a declarative sentence, that is, subject + verb. For example:

"She said (main clause) that she would come (object clause)".


In some cases, when the object clause is long and complex, it can be placed before the main clause for clarity and emphasis. For example:

"That he had been promoted (object clause), he didn't tell his family until later"

Section 3: Word Order of Object Clauses as Indirect Objects

When an object clause is used as the indirect object of a verb, it usually comes after the direct object and takes the word order of a question, that is, auxiliary verb + subject + main verb. For example:

"I promised (verb) her that I would help (direct object) her with her homework (object clause)"

Section 4: Word Order of Object Clauses as Noun Clauses

When an object clause functions as a noun clause, it can be used as the subject or object of a sentence, or as the complement of a linking verb. Depending on its function, it can take different word orders. For example:

Subject function: "That she is late (object clause) is unacceptable"

Object function: "I hate (verb) that he always interrupts (object clause) me"

Complement function: "The fact that he lied (object clause) surprises me"

Section 5: Word Order of Object Clauses as Adjective Clauses

When an object clause is used as an adjective clause, it describes or identifies a noun or a pronoun in the main clause. Similar to noun clauses, it can take different word orders depending on its function. For example:

Describing function: "I like (verb) people who are honest (object clause)"

Identification function: "The person who helped (object clause) me was my neighbor"

In conclusion, object clauses are an important and versatile tool in English grammar. By mastering their word order and usage, learners can greatly enhance their ability to communicate effectively in English.

本文标签: 宾语从句的语句顺序 宾语从句词序 宾语从句语序讲解
