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2024-01-04 11:29:44 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc


1、Time to Water the Flowers

To water the flowers is a common gardening practice. It is important to choose the right time to water them in order to prevent damage and ensure healthy growth. Early morning or late afternoon are the best times to water the flowers, as the temperature is lower and the soil can better absorb the water. If you water during the midday heat, the water will evaporate quickly and the plant could be damaged.

My mom usually waters the flowers in the morning, before the sun comes up. She likes to enjoy the cool weather and peaceful atmosphere at that time. She thinks it's good for the flowers to start their day with fresh water.

2、Tools for Watering


There are different types of tools that can be used for watering flowers, such as a watering can, a garden hose, a drip irrigation system, and so on. The choice of tool depends on the size of the garden, the type of plants, and the personal preference of the gardener.

My mom prefers to use a watering can. She thinks it's more accurate and gentle for the flowers. She also likes to use it to wash the leaves, as it helps to remove dust and pests.

3、Techniques for Watering

There are also different techniques for watering flowers. The most common method is to water the soil around the plants, not the leaves or flowers directly. This can prevent sunburn and fungal diseases. It is also important to avoid over-watering, which could cause root rot and other problems.

My mom always tries to water the roots, not the flowers or leaves. She pours the water slowly and carefully, making sure the soil absorbs it evenly. She also observes the condition of the plants and adjusts the amount of water accordingly.

4、Tips for Watering

In addition to the above techniques, there are some tips that can help to improve the watering effect. For example, it's better to water deeply and less frequently than to water shallowly and often. This can encourage deep root growth and prevent soil compaction. It's also important to use clean and fresh water, and to avoid watering when it's windy or rainy.

My mom always checks the moisture level of the soil before watering. She uses her finger to touch the soil and feels how dry or wet it is. She also keeps the watering can clean and fills it with tap water that has been standing for a while. She avoids watering on windy days, as it could waste water and harm the plants.



本文标签: 浇花用英语怎么说 我的妈妈在浇花的英文 浇花花的英语怎么写 浇花用英语该怎么说
