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2023-08-28 16:52:23 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc




1. Could you tell me...(你可以告诉我...吗?)

2. I was wondering if...(我想知道...)

3. Would you mind...(你介意...)

4. Do you happen to know...(你碰巧知道...吗?)


1. Would you like to...(你想...吗?)

2. How about...(...怎么样?)

3. Do you want to...(你想要...吗?)

4. Why don't we...(为什么不...呢?)


A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the museum?

B: Sure, it's just two blocks down on your right.

A: Thanks a lot. By the way, do you happen to know when the museum closes?

B: I'm not exactly sure, but I think it closes at 6 o'clock. You may want to double-check with someone inside.

A: All right, I will. By the way, would you like to join me for a visit?

B: That sounds great. I've been wanting to go there for a while.



1. Please(请)

2. Thank you(谢谢)

3. Excuse me(对不起/请问)

4. I'm sorry(对不起/抱歉)

5. Would you mind...(您介意...吗?)

6. Could you please...(您能...吗?)


A: Excuse me, could you please help me fill out this form?


B: Sure, no problem. Which section do you need help with?

A: Section C. I'm not exactly sure what information to put in there.

B: Okay, let me have a look. You just need to write down your contact information, like your phone number and email address.

A: Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help.



1. 在一些亚洲 ,直接拒绝别人的请求或邀请是不礼貌的行为。他们通常会采用“等一下”、“看情况”等方式回应。

2. 欧美 对于个人空间的要求很高,在邀请或请求时,需要保持一定的距离和尊重。

3. 有些地方对于摆酒或请人吃饭的方式也有不同的惯例,需要提前了解。


A:Would you like to go out for a drink with me tonight?

B:Actually, I'm a bit tired tonight. Maybe next time?

A:Sure, no problem.




1. 商务场合:在商务场合,需要使用更为正式的表达方式,比如用“I would like to request”而非“Can you give me”。在语音、用词和态度等方面都应该显示出足够的尊重和谦逊。

2. 社交场合:在社交场合,举止和表达应该更为轻松自然,采用更多俚语和口语化的表达方式。但同样需要注意不同文化之间的差异,以免造成尴尬。

3. 学术场合:在学术场合,需要使用严谨准确的语言,避免口误和不当的表达。同时,需要遵循学术道德,确保言辞恰当。


A: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. I would like to invite you to our company's annual conference in New York this November. Would you be interested in attending?

B: Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Jones. I'm actually quite interested. Would you mind giving me some more details about the conference?

A: Certainly. The conference will last for three days, from November 5th to 7th, and it's focused on sustainability and innovation in the tech industry. We have some great speakers and networking opportunities. Would you like me to send you a more detailed agenda?

B: Yes, that would be great. Thank you again for the invitation.



1. 灵活转换话题:当请求或邀请遭到拒绝时,可以适当地转移话题,以避免冷场。比如,将关注点转移到工作或生活上的其他方面。

2. 尊重对方决定:即使对方拒绝了自己的请求或邀请,也不要让自己陷入尴尬情形。尊重对方的决定,拒绝时也可以表现出理解和同情。

3. 保持自信和坦诚:在请求或邀请时,要保持自信和坦诚。即使被拒绝,也要保持微笑和礼貌,以维护自己的形象。


A: Would you like to come to my party this weekend?

B: I'm sorry, but I already have plans for the weekend. Maybe next time?

A: Sure, I understand. I hope you have a great time. By the way, what are your plans for the weekend?

B: I'm going on a hiking trip with some friends. I've been looking forward to it for a long time.

A: That sounds great. I hope you have a wonderful time. Thanks for letting me know.


本文标签: 请求询问英语短语 请求询问英语怎么读 邀请询问的英文
