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2023-07-29 20:59:47 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc


Have you ever wondered how to say "her" in English? Or how to use "she" in a sentence? This article explores the various ways to use the feminine pronouns in English, including their usage as the subjective, objective, and possessive forms. In addition, the article discusses the use of gender-neutral pronouns in contemporary society. Understanding the usage of these pronouns is important, as it allows for clearer and more inclusive communication.

I. Subjective form – She

"She" is the subjective form of the feminine pronoun. It is used to refer to a female subject in a sentence. For example, "She is a doctor" or "She enjoys reading books." It is important to note that "she" should only be used to refer to a female subject and not to a non-binary individual.

II. Objective form – Her

"Her" is the objective form of the feminine pronoun. It is used to refer to a female object in a sentence. For example, "I gave her the book" or "The teacher praised her for her hard work." Again, it is crucial to use "her" only when referring to a female object and not to a non-binary individual.

III. Possessive form – Hers

"Hers" is the possessive form of the feminine pronoun. It is used to show ownership or possession of something by a female subject. For example, "The car is hers" or "The book is hers." It is essential to use "hers" only when referring to a female subject and not to a non-binary individual.

IV. Gender-neutral pronouns

In recent years, the use of gender-neutral pronouns has become more common in English. These pronouns are used to refer to individuals who do not identify as solely male or female. Two of the most commonly used gender-neutral pronouns are "they/them" and "ze/zir."

"They/them" is used as a singular pronoun to refer to an individual who does not identify as male or female. For example, "They are a writer" or "I talked to them yesterday."

"Ze/zir" is a gender-neutral pronoun that can be used in place of "he/his" or "she/hers." For example, "Ze likes to read" or "That book is zir favorite."



The usage of feminine pronouns is an essential element of the English language. By understanding the subjective, objective, and possessive forms of "she/her/hers," individuals can communicate more clearly and effectively. Additionally, the increasing use of gender-neutral pronouns reflects a growing awareness and acceptance of non-binary individuals in our society. As language evolves, it is important to embrace and utilize inclusive language practices.

本文标签: 她们用英语怎么说 她们用英语怎么读 她们用英语怎么说 她们用英语怎么表示
