2023-06-29 16:56:37 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc
1. 千层云九重霄,凤凰池里有仙桥。
2. 天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。——Cloud in the sky tells the changes in weather pattern.
3. 高空积云晴时白,暴雨临时暗如醉。
4. 上面是云,下面是水;云和水永不相逢。——Cloud and water will never meet.
5. 黑云压城城欲摧,甲光向日金鳞开。——As dark clouds gather over the city, the armor shines like gold in the sun.
6. 朝闻雷声夜觉闪,春雷一声如惊蛇。——When thunders come in spring, people feel like meeting snakes.
7. 春分雨,秋分风,天气无常口难同。
8. 秋分雨,雷电闪;立冬霜,雪花飞。
9. 明月松间照,清泉石上流;竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟。——When the moon shines, the streams flow and the wind blows through the bamboo forest, it is a sign of the weather changes.
10. 转凉儿,长衣头。——When it starts getting colder, it's time to put on warm clothes.
11. 雁阵惊寒木叶落,獐头带雨草枯黄。——When geese fly in a formation and leaves fall from trees, and the deer wears rain on its head and the grass turns yellow, it means that the weather is about to turn cold.
12. 云开日出雨收晴,黎明天上月归旦。
13. 波涛连天雪满山,何处难寻月满楼。
14. 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。
15. 温度低,空气湿,下雨的概率不小。
16. 霜降到,野鸡暗叫;寒露霜,秧苗顶碎。
17. 东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二喜。—— If the warm east wind doesn't blow, the Qingming Festival and the Double Ninth Festival will be overcast.
18. 天阴垂柳,夜深花院,露铺锦帐,风度翩翩的柳树,在阴霾的天空下显得更为醒目。——Cloudy skies and a quiet night, with dew on the bed curtains, the willow tree stands out in the hazy sky.
19. 飘飘何所似,天地一沙鸥。——What does it look like? The sky and the earth are like a seagull.
20. 晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄。——When the sky is clear, a crane flies up into the clouds, and one's poetic feelings soar to the blue sky.
21. 夜阴卜筮白蛇出,有雨鼠行牛过市。——On a cloudy night, a fortune teller sees a white snake. When rats move and cows go to market, it will rain.
22. 清明前后雨纷纷,人人想到雨前云。——Before and after the Qingming Festival, it rains frequently, and everyone thinks of the clouds before the rain.
23. 雨打芭蕉南风急,此情想望月如秋。——When it rains on banana trees and the south wind is blowing, I miss the moon like in autumn.
24. 九天阴雨足,十里人家泥。——Dark clouds loom above for days, and the road to the village is mud and dirt.
25. 暴风雨夜,一片** ;春雷夜晚,万籁俱寂。——On stormy nights, the world is flooded; on spring thunder nights, everything is quiet.
26. 疏篱映日变古岸,密竹含风仿佛人。——Sparse fences and sunsets change ancient shores, and dense bamboo with winds look like people.
27. 霜多金多寒,雪多饮好橙。
28. 芍药残红,陵上柏,烟生武夷山。——The peonies are still red, the cypresses on the tomb, the smoke rising from the Wuyi Mountains.
29. 雨打湿琴书,雪封半窗月。——The rain wets the piano and books, and the snow covers half the window and moon.
30. 河畔水如天,山间静似人,一个个流浪的云雁,投影在流浪的人。——The river water is like the sky by the river, quiet like people in the mountains, with floating clouds and wild geese reflected in the wandering people.
31. 云开日出照我儿,我儿顶戴鲤鱼旗。——The sun rises and shines on my child, who wears a carp flag on his head.
32. 纵使千万重山,只等云开见明月。——Even if there are thousands of mountains, we just wait for the clouds to clear and see the bright moon.
33. 天高云淡,星河鹭岸,千万条人思归。——The sky is high and the clouds are light, the stars are in the Milky Way, and thousands of people long to return home.
34. 只愿闲情常到处,每逢佳景引人来。——I only hope leisure will come everywhere, and beautiful scenery will always attract people.
35. 孤鸿海上来,池潢不敢顾;乘兴奋飞舞,独立云空中。——The lonely swan flies across the sea, ignoring the ponds below, and flies freely in the clouds.
36. 云淡淡,风轻轻,春不踏青绿不成。——The clouds are faint and the wind is gentle, but without spring to step on, there will be no green.
37. 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?——The spring breeze is green on the south bank, when will the bright moon shine on me again?
38. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?——Don't laugh at me when I lie drunk on the battlefield, for how many have returned from war since ancient times?
39. 阳关三叠白云山,何处归程长恨死?——The White Cloud Mountain near the Yangguan Pass, where will I end up returning, with regret haunting me for a long time?
40. 海上升明月,天涯共此时。——As the full moon rises over the sea, we share this moment together at the end of the world.
41. 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。
42. 明月几时有?把酒问青天。
43. 星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。
44. 水何澹澹,山岛竦峙。——The water flows quietly, the mountains and islands stand tall.
45. 动静寻常与古今,浮云一别若千里。——Movement and tranquility, ancient and modern, parting clouds are like thousands of miles away.
46. 桃花水阁醉仙家,蝴蝶深深两相誓。——Peach blossom water pavilions of the Immortal family, the butterflies deeply vow their love.
47. 长夜漫漫梦里看,明月前头送我还。——In my dreams I see the long night, and the bright moon leads me home.
48. 君自故乡来,应知故乡事;来日作长路,今宵做别离。——If you come from your hometown, you should know about it. The long road ahead, the farewell tonight.
49. 满地落花,如雪如霜;夜深寂寞,灯火阑珊。——Flowers fall like snow and frost on the ground; in the deep night, the lights flicker.
50. 沧浪之水清兮,可以濯吾缨。——The water of the Blue Wave is clear, and I can wash my hair in it.
51. 躲雨西子碧塘口,发呆半日各东首。
52. 天日高,云淡淡,有人愁。——High sun, faint clouds, and someone is worried.
53. 心寒天意冷,无施救药炙烤荒原。
54. 云起山风怒,江河水波涛。——Clouds rise and mountain winds rage, and river waters surge.
55. 陡峭峻秀烟岚渺,信念雄奇恣眼界。
本文标签: 有关云与天气的谚语 关于云与天气的谚语 关于云与天气的俗语