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2023-06-16 06:59:14 | 人围观 | 编辑:wyc


Everyone wants to be understood and respected, and one way to achieve that is to be considerate of others’ feelings and needs. Being considerate means being mindful of others’ well-being and taking actions to make them feel cared for. In this article, we will explore the synonyms of being considerate and how they can be used in daily life.



Sympathetic means showing understanding and compassion towards others’ emotions and situations. When someone is going through a hard time, a sympathetic friend will listen to their problems without judgment and offer support. For example, when a friend loses a loved one, a sympathetic gesture would be to send them a card or flowers to show that you care.

Another example of being sympathetic is when someone is having a bad day at work or school. A sympathetic colleague or classmate will offer words of encouragement and reassurance to help them feel better.

Being sympathetic is a fundamental aspect of being considerate, and it helps to build stronger relationships.


Compassionate means showing concern and kindness for others, especially when they are suffering. Compassionate people go out of their way to comfort and support others, even if it means putting their own needs aside. For example, a compassionate nurse will not only provide medical care but also emotional support to patients and their families.


Compassionate people also practice empathy, which means putting themselves in others’ shoes and understanding their experiences. By being compassionate, we can help create a more caring and empathetic world.


Thoughtful means taking the time to consider others’ needs and wishes. A thoughtful person will remember special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries and give meaningful gifts. They will also take note of others’ likes and dislikes and show consideration in their actions. For example, a thoughtful host will provide vegetarian options for guests who don’t eat meat.

Another way to be thoughtful is to offer help without being asked. For instance, if a coworker is overwhelmed with work, a thoughtful colleague will offer to assist them, even if it means staying late or working on the weekend.

Being thoughtful shows that we value and respect others’ feelings and are willing to go the extra mile to make them happy.


Patience is a virtue that involves remaining calm and tolerant in challenging situations. A patient person is considerate of others’ pace and abilities, and they don’t get upset when things don’t go as planned. For example, a patient teacher will explain a difficult concept to a struggling student until they understand it, without getting frustrated.

A patient person also listens attentively and doesn’t interrupt or rush others. They are willing to wait for the right moment, knowing that good things come to those who wait. By being patient, we show respect for others’ time, effort, and opinions.


Being considerate is one of the essential qualities of being a decent human being. It involves putting others’ needs and feelings first and showing empathy, sympathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, and patience. By incorporating these synonyms into our daily interactions, we can create a more respectful, caring, and harmonious world.

本文标签: 体贴的近义词 体贴的近义词英语翻译 体贴的反义词和近义词 体贴一类的词
